Thursday, May 7, 2009

As the ever vigilant LB just reminded me, it has been a while since I blogged. *sigh* Is this just another of those things that I start with such voraciousness yet end in a sad, incomplete whimper? Sounds like the story of my life.
Presently, my life feels like Fish Pond, the carnival game. You know the one where you have to "catch" a fish with a magnet attached to the end of your string on a stick but the difficulty is that the fish are moving past you very fast. By the time you think you have a fix on one, it has swam away and so you pick another to concentrate on...only to have that one swim away from you too. I always end up feeling like I'm never gonna win the giant pink panda!

I did get the garage cleaned out. All the garbage and piles and piles of cardboard boxes are gone and we are left with a garage that is only as messy as the majority of folks in our townhouse complex. I don't need it to be pristine, I just need to not win the Grossest Garage of the Year award. My reason for not getting to it for so long (and believe me, I HAVE reasons for not getting to many things) is that I had no way of disposing of all the crap. My ex offered to drive over his buddy's huge cube van, load it up with all the stuff and take it to his place of employment (which shall remain nameless) and dump it for me. [Please don't finger wag at me for this bad thing...dumping.....I know and feel guilty enough as it is. The stuff HAD to go!!]
I toyed with this idea for weeks, knowing that he would be expecting "compensation" for his good deed. Two things happened that allowed me to call him up one day and accept his offer. One, he buckled under the reminder that the amount of child support he pays is laughable and that the least he can do is to ensure that his children live in a vermin free home. He gave up on the notion/dream of compensation of a Physical nature. Secondly...vermin. Fear of rodents drove me to get my naturally procrastinating butt in gear, glove up and start sorting through the piles of festering grossness infesting my garage. The amount of crap filled almost the entire cube van.
Several of the kids helped me with this gargantuan task and we even managed to dig the patio furniture out and set it up in the backyard.

What are you reading lately? I am reading The Stand by Stephen King. Although I have read lots of SK's work, can you believe I have never read this classic? I can't read another book about Mary Magdalene (The Expected One), nor another book about family life in Mumbai, (Family Matters),nor the power of sisterhood (The Red Tent)
Ok, I am off to read and sleep. Nite.

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